Zoe, 10 years old, Seville (Spain). I Wonder #7, Self-interviews Under Lockdown
Ellen Duthie
Over this last weekend, we received two self-interviews from two sisters under lockdown in a small flat in Seville, with their parents. You can read six-year-old Nur’s self-interview here. And ten-year-old Zoe’s is the self-interview we are sharing in this post. Both interviews come with illustrations, in both cases of the same event: a virtual trip to Italy the family is planning to go on withouth leaving their living room.
Zoe starts off with a grievance: Why have my rights been taken away but not my responsibilities?
Zoe Bernales, 10 years old, Seville (Spain). Under lockdown in a small flat with her sister and her parents:
Why have they taken away my rights but not my responsibilities?
Now I have to help out more at home and I have a lot of school work that has become very hard. But I can’t go out, not even a bit, even though I get dizzy and I find it hard to breathe. Keeping the safety distance, us kids should be able to go out a bit.
Seeing as we have to have rights and responsibilities, if I can’t go out, I ought to be able to spend my time as I like, don’t you think?
What is good about lockdown?
While we are under lockdown, nature is freer. The birds are flying lower because the world is now theirs. The deer can bathe in the sea. Peacocks move freely along the streets in Madrid and roe deer appear under the Aqueduct of Segovia.
I imagine a hige beach full of green turtles laying eggs and sun bathing… I’d love to see it.
What worries you about the lockdown?
I’m worried that I won’t be able to go back to school.
What scares you about the Coronavirus?
I’m worried about the people who are still ill, that they might not get cured in time.
I would like to be able to hug everyone who is suffering because of all this situation.
A virtual day in Italy
I Wonder, Self-interviews Under Lockdown is a project by Wonder Ponder inviting 5 to 18 year olds to ask questions and think about the coronavirus crisis and its consequences through self-interviews in audio, written or ilustrated format.
If you want to send a self-interview for us to include it in the project, please read this entry and follow these instructions.
We look forward to hearing from you!
You can see/read/listen to other self-interviews here.